Babies, Bath time, Parenting by polly.marsh
Sleep is probably the hottest topic of conversation between new parents. We want it, and more of it, and we will do anything to get it. At the same time, our bundles of joy just don’t seem to understand this need we have for them to sleep well at night. Annoying. But there are ways that you can help them to learn good sleeping habits, and today we’re bringing you a guest post from sleep expert Wendy Dean Did you know that bath time can be an excellent way to ensure good baby sleep? Read on for more tips.The Bath time ritual and a full night’s sleep
Tips from Wendy Dean author of the Baby Sleep System. Read more about her work here:
Wendy has worked with thousands of parents who have struggled to get their baby into a healthy sleep pattern.
A regular bathing ritual will help you prepare your baby for a quality night’s sleep.
Sleep cue
If you aim to bathe your baby at approximately the same time very night, it acts as a valuable “sleep cue” so that she knows that night time and therefore sleep time is approaching.
Preparing the body for sleep
The act of bathing itself is a relaxing experience which prepares the body for sleep. Ensure that the water is a pleasant temperature by using your elbow or a thermometer to test. Use a soft material to do the washing. Let your baby float in the water being careful to fully support his head and back.
The post bath snuggle in a Cuddledry product builds a bond of trust between parent and baby which makes it easier for the baby to cope when he is put into his cot alone. Talk to your baby in a soothing voice.
Breaking the connection between feeding and sleeping
The bath if used as part of a bedtime routine can help to break the connection between feeding and sleeping which is at the root of many baby sleep problems. The bath should have pepped him up enough to take his feed without falling asleep.
By including a bath in a regular bedtime ritual your baby will be relaxed and happy to go into his bed at night and will settle himself off to sleep. This in itself will help to reduce night time wakings.